Can You Make Hot Chocolate In A Coffee Maker? [Updated 2023]

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If you are wondering to know that “can you make hot chocolate in a coffee maker“?  So, you are at the right place. We are here to tell you that can you make hot chocolate in a coffee maker and also how can you do this.

As you know a coffee maker is an essential kitchen appliance because it makes flavored-full and strong coffee for you to start yours. So making hot chocolate in a coffee maker might be an amazing experience with this new function. So here is a detailed guide, you just need to read it carefully.

So the answer is “Yes you can”, as it is a fact that hot chocolate and coffee have a similar consistency that’s why you can make hot chocolate in the coffee maker. Making your hot chocolate in a coffee maker is an easy and amazing process.

You just need to put the same amount of hot chocolate powder into the coffee maker that you place for coffee grounds and fill the water as you need. Just brew the hot chocolate in the same way that you would coffee! So we are going to explain the whole process in detail.

How to Make Hot Chocolate in Coffee Maker?

Hot chocolate is an amazing drink. It is also very popular among people. Surprisingly, you can easily make hot chocolate in a coffee maker by following a few easy steps.

Make Hot Chocolate In A Coffee Maker

Step 1: Preparation

First of all, you need a coffee maker, so that you can put the pack of hot chocolate mix and water in it. You may also need to make marshmallows.

Step 2: make hot chocolate

  • First of all, you have to put the water your desire in your coffee maker,
  • Now add 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder to the coffee carafe
  • Now turn on the coffee maker
  • The coffee maker starts to heat the water and the chocolate powder dissolves in the hot water easily.
  • Let them mix very well.
  • Now it comes in a chocolate liquid foam.
  • Now your hot chocolate is ready.

Step 3: Garnishing

Now it’s time to garnish your hot chocolate. You need to put a marshmallow on top of your hot chocolate. Now enjoy the delicious hot chocolate!

How to Make Hot Chocolate in a Coffee Machine?

If you want to know how to make hot chocolate with a coffee machine, then you need to follow the steps mentioned in the section below. On the other hand, if you have a coffee maker, you can use the method mentioned above. Here you need a Coffee machine, chocolate powder, Milk, and a Milk steaming pitcher.

Make Hot Chocolate In A Coffee Maker

Step 1: Add Chocolate Powder to a Cup

The first thing you have to do is to add the proper amount to the cup.  If you add too little chocolate powder, your hot chocolate drink will make like hot milk.  And if you add too much chocolate powder then it might make a bitter drink. This is why the amount of chocolate powder must be right.  So a cup of hot chocolate drink you need two tablespoons of chocolate powder.

Step 2: Add Water

Most coffee machines dispense hot water but, there is not always the right amount of water for hot chocolate. You have to at 2 ounces of water. If your machine dispenses more than 2 ounces, then you can move your cup away. The water is added to melt your chocolate powder. So you should not add too much water.

Step 3: Add Milk

There is a milk steaming pitcher in the coffee machine. So you need to add 1.5 cups of milk to it. There are marks for measuring the amount of milk. So it will help you to add the proper amount of milk.

Step 4: Add Hot Chocolate powder

Now you need to take the cup you set aside earlier and now put its contents into the milk-steaming pitcher. You must need to use a teaspoon to scoop it into the pitcher.

Step 5: Froth the Milk

Now you have to take the coffee machine’s frothing attachment and place the frothing end into your milk steaming pitcher. Now you need to hit the frothing button, and the milk frothing starts. Now, you need to move the pitcher around, so that your milk frothing pipe will not affect and it will also mix the chocolate powder with the milk. It will take 20 seconds of frothing.

Helpful Tips

  • If you add a little chocolate powder, then you can add more chocolate powder.
  • If you add a lot of chocolate powder, add some quantity of sugar and milk.
  • You can also use milk to replace the water. It will give a more amazing flavor.
  • If you add little quantity of milk, then you can add more milk.
  • If you added much quantity of milk, then you need to add more chocolate powder.
  • If you added too much water, then you need to heat the beverage till some of the water will evaporate.
  • Make you are making your hot chocolate in a clean coffee maker.


Now you have an idea that making hot chocolate in a coffee maker is so simple. It will not take much time. You can use the coffee maker as a tool to heat and blend milk with chocolate powder. So you can easily make your hot chocolate in a coffee maker. 

Sania Imtiaz

Hi, My name is Sania Imtiaz and I’m from Pakistan. I’m a housewife. And I Love cooking. And I’m a believer in making life peacefully with FOOD. I’m doing cocking from the last 10 years and I’m sharing all my knowledge related to cooking on I’m sharing all my experience on this site related to cooking products.

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