Should I Unplug The Coffee Maker When Not In Use? [Updated 2023]

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Have you ever heard the saying, “Should I unplug the coffee maker when not in use?” It’s a question we all ask ourselves at one point or another. Do you have any idea about ‘energy vampires’? Energy vampires means all the home appliances that constantly suck on electricity without any break.

The coffee machine is one of them. It is also an energy vampire. In this way, you must be thinking that “Should I unplug the coffee maker when not in use? It still uses electricity non-stop even if you just plugged it in and not using it. So let’s talk about it in detail!

Should You Unplug The Coffee Maker?

You should never leave your Coffee maker on all day and especially when you are not going to use it for longer periods because when if you Leave a coffee maker on all day, it can be a potential fire hazard.

It may cause to burn surrounding items and even burn the counter. Basically, all have an idea that Coffee makers are not made to keep our coffee warm throughout the day. So, when they are heated for extended periods of time, they will damage the electrical wiring. This will also break your coffee maker.

What happens if you leave your Coffee Maker?

Unplug The Coffee Maker

Basically, there are a number of things that may happen if you leave your coffee maker throughout the day. It may include the following:

The first thing is that the coffee pot may get burned because the Coffee is water-soluble, but the caffeine that is included in your coffee will not evaporate. This will make the reason of coffee thicken and this thickened coffee can burn at the bottom of the pot.

This burned coffee pot is so bad that can happen. After that, you might cause nearby items to get damage the electrical wiring on your coffee machine. So if you want to have a great cup of coffee, then it is so bad to leave your coffee maker on all day.

The second thing is that a coffee maker uses about .08 KWH per pot. And .13 per KWH, the cost of the pot of coffee is about one cent. That means your coffee maker uses about 1 watt of electricity per hour when not in use. We are talking about the amount of electricity the coffee maker uses when plugged in but not in use. So, at this average rate of 13 cents per hour, your coffee maker may cost above a dollar.

What Appliances Should You Unplug?

Any appliance that you are not using then you don’t need to plug in, here’s a list of some home appliances that you can unplug:

• Coffee machines
• TVs
• Lamps
• Computers
• Radio
• Battery chargers
• Toasters
• Microwave oven
• Laptop or mobile charger

What Are The Benefits Of Unplugging Coffee Brewers?

Unplug The Coffee Maker

These are some main benefits related to unplugging your electronics:

• It will help you to reduce your electricity bill
• It may also decrease the chance of any electrical malfunctions
• It will help to extend the lifespan of your coffee maker.
• It will protect against any kind of damage.


It is better to unplug your coffee maker when you don’t plan to use it anytime soon. It’s not about the only coffee maker, you need to unplug about every other small appliance in your home. So, we have told you clearly everything about whether should you unplug the coffee maker when not in use, why you need to do so, and also what are the benefits to unplug the home appliances.

So you need to make sense of and never let any home appliances plug in while you are not using them. Yeah, this is a fact that there is no fire concern if your coffee maker is still plugged in while it is not in use. But highly recommended is to unplug it for safety. We hope this article will help you a lot in this case!

Sania Imtiaz

Hi, My name is Sania Imtiaz and I’m from Pakistan. I’m a housewife. And I Love cooking. And I’m a believer in making life peacefully with FOOD. I’m doing cocking from the last 10 years and I’m sharing all my knowledge related to cooking on I’m sharing all my experience on this site related to cooking products.

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